When we find ourselves stuck below the line, we feel empty, exhausted, and entangled.
When we are running on empty, we have nothing left to give.
We lack motivation and have no sense of purpose; we are not engaged and are just treading water. We feel worthless, disconnected, and alone. Unchecked, this can lead to depression.
When we are empty, our leadership impact is close to zero.
Prescription: Take time to recharge, pour some good stuff in, ask for support. Nourish yourself.
You have to nourish to flourish.
When we are exhausted, we are not safe to follow.
When we are exhausted, we are prone to making mistakes; we have no energy and are highly reactive and negative. We are stuck in old ways of doing things and lack the power and clarity required to innovate. Sometimes we can almost become a martyr, digging deep and pushing through, out of a sense of responsibility and the fear of failure. Unchecked, continuous exhaustion will end in burnout. When we are exhausted, our leadership impact is very low.
Prescription: Rest, take time out; Let go, prioritise, and delegate.
‘Stop wearing your exhaustion as a badge of honour.’ Brené Brown
When we are entangled, we can't see the way ahead.
We feel chaotic and disorganized or stuck like a possum in lights. Short-tempered and highly reactive, leaves us prone to bursts of anger and frustration. Or we may feel sorry for ourselves and doubtful of the way ahead. We become problem-focused and lack clarity, vision, and direction. We can't see the forest for the trees. We tend to keep pushing but end up walking in circles, getting more and more entangled and exhausted. Not resolving this feeling of being entangled generates further stress and can induce anxiety.
When we are entangled, our leadership impact is mediocre.
Prescription: Reset. Unplug
“Almost everything will work better if you unplug it for a few minutes… including yourself.’ Anne Lamott
When we rise above the line, we are energetic, engaged, and enlightened.
Energy is released by removing the blocks
The blocks – our unexamined beleifs, behaviours and habits - keep us stuck below the line.
When we become more self-aware, we begin to take responsibility for these blocks; we are better able to observe the choices we make, and we understand the relationship between them and the outcomes, and the impact they have on others. As we begin to experiment and make changes, we feel more energised and inspired to keep going. This creates a positive feedback loop which enables us to continue to lead and live above the line.
Research tells us that embedding change depends on consistency.
Adopting a 1% better every day approach is the best way to energise sustainable growth.
When we feel energised, our leadership impact is high.
Prescription: we need to release what keeps us stuck below the line and begin to pilot new behaviours and build new habits.
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ―John C. Maxwell
Self-awareness improves empathy, Empathy enables engagement
Engagement is about our connection to self and to others.
Engagement is not a one-off thing; it's about developing self-awareness and empathy, building relationships, and gaining trust. It requires courage, authenticity, and consistency.
Self-compassion is vital when developing self-awareness. A lot of what we discover about ourselves can make us feel vulnerable. Self -compassion helps us to stay above the line without becoming hijacked by judgement and feelings of shame and inadequacy.
Self-compassion enables empathy. When we are empathic, we can genuinely connect with others and understand them. With empathy, we can get the most out of our people.
When engaged, our leadership impact is very high.
Prescription: Engagement needs to be continually reinforced and re-established.
‘I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ Maya Angelou
The more we turn up the light, the easier it is to see.
Rather than using this term in a spiritual sense; I mean that we are en-lightened – we feel lighter, clearer, have more brightness, energy, and vigour.
Enlightened leadership is a level of self-mastery in the leadership context.
When at this level, we reside consistently above the line and all the other attributes are effortlessly leveraged. Enlightened leaders can navigate complexity with the combination of insight and leadership presence. At this level, we possess self-awareness and metacognition, empathy, and an agile mindset. We are resilient and know how to self-regulate to be at our best. We are in a state of flow and balance and lead by example. We are guided by clarity and wisdom and our leadership presence enables us to leverage our experience and expertise. People feel that they can trust us and they are inspired by our company. Everyone wins – you, your people, and your workplace. Even society at large benefits from your enlightened leadership.
When enlightened, your leadership impact is close to 100 per cent.
Prescription: Reside but don't be complacent – be mindful of what might throw you off.
‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ Aristotle